Friday, March 3, 2023

Cuttlefish, jellyfish with strong demand create proper job opportunities for locals

MYANMAR’S cuttlefish and jellyfish are in high demand in Thailand and the residents of Kawthoung, Myeik, Bokpyin and Dawei of the Taninthayi Region are achieving good job opportunities from cuttlefish and jellyfish exports.

The people catch the cuttlefish at night with electric lights as the living styles of cuttlefish are different in the sea. Currently, the fishermen catch jellyfish onshore in Bokpyin Township more than the amount of previous year. The cuttlefish season starts in November and ends in early June while the jellyfish season is from January to April. The cuttlefish prices are still higher than the prices of jellyfish.

“The squid and jellyfish from Myanmar’s seas are exported to the wholesale centre of Thai’s Ranong. We export frozen meat or dried meat. The cuttlefish and jellyfish create a proper economy for local fishermen. We have to use lights in capturing the cuttlefish and we have plans to reduce such activity while the country is making efforts to reduce the nature of catching with light. During such periods, only about 400 licenced cuttlefish fishing boats were allowed previously. When the other fish see the bright light, they also come near the net and it can be the cause of the reduction of fish and so we arrange to control the fish resources. The cuttlefish and jellyfish export create opportunities for marine workers and brings benefits to the country,” said U Aung Nyi Toe, director of the Taninthayi Region Fisheries Department.

The cuttlefish and jellyfish are caught in Taninthayi and Ayeyawady Regions and Rakhine State. Thailand buys these two marine products most for their good taste. Myanmar cuttlefish fetches between 140-175 baht per kilogramme (K12,000-15,000) depending on their size. The dried cuttlefish fetches about K53,000 per kg and the price is higher over 30 baht per kg than the previous year.

The jellyfish is caught onshore of Bokpyin Township and the price is 90 Baht (over K7,500) per kg. Jellyfish are also exported to Thailand and some of them are exported as dried jellyfish. Myanmar cuttlefish and jellyfish are transported to local hotels, restaurants and Shwe Padauk and Sanpya fish markets of Yangon and are also exported to Thailand. Thailand produces canned cuttlefish and exports them to other countries.

Nyein Thu (MNA)/KTZH


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