Friday, February 24, 2023

Association of Anti-Illegal Plagiarism of Artworks holds coord meeting 1/2023


THE coordinating meeting of the Association of Anti-Illegal Plagiarism of Artworks (1/2023) took place at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Information in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.

The meeting was attended by Association of Anti-Illegal Plagiarism of Artworks Chairman Deputy Information Minister U Ye Tint, the secretary, members and the joint secretary, and some members participated in the meeting via videoconferencing.

Firstly, the Deputy Minister said that films, videos and dramas are being shown through online platforms with the advancement of digital technology nowadays. Even though there are legitimate broadcasts, some steal original works and illegally display them online for their own profit and establish gambling-based platforms and sexual entertainment sectors. Such illegal activities are increasing day by day, thus it is necessary to take preventive measures as soon as possible. It is also required to take action on channels, websites and Facebook pages that are illegally showing and selling domestic and foreign movies. If no action is taken, serious copyright violations may occur in the future, as well as other illegal business activities.

Therefore, the members need to work together to implement the procedures to be done in order to effectively take action against the illegal plagiarism and distribution of movies online, he added.

Then, a member presented about the illegal distribution of artworks through online platforms. Afterwards, attendees discussed the prevention process related to illegal plagiarism and distribution. The chairman gave his concluding remark after discussing the presentations.



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