Friday, October 28, 2022

SEZ contributes a great deal to the State economy as well as affects the GDP of the State: Vice-Senior General


AS Thilawa SEZ is a successful one, efforts must be made for achieving more success, said Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win in a meeting with officials of Thilawa Special Economic Zone Management Committee at the Chairman Office of the Zone yesterday afternoon.

First, management com­mittee chairman U Ye Naing Tun reported on the progress of the zone and work undertak­ings. Then, the video clip of the zone was presented. Chairman of the Work Committee for My­anmar Special Economic Zones Union Minister for Commerce U Aung Naing Oo reported on cur­rent undertakings in the zone, solving difficulties by the State and future plans. Those present explained the operating of the businesses with investments in the special economic zone.

After replying to the neces­sary facts and responding to the reports, the Vice-Senior Gener­al delivered a speech. He said: Thilawa SEZ is partially imple­menting the objective of rem­edying the economy damaged by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ac­tions will be taken to ensure the speedy recovery of businesses from the impact of COVID-19 which is one of the five-point roadmap of the State Adminis­tration Council. It is necessary to complete the implementation of Kyaukpyu and Dawei Special Economic Zones as quickly as possible to increase products and export goods for the State economy in accordance with the guidance of the Prime Minis­ter. Moreover, it is necessary to build trust between investor countries and companies. As the Central Bank of Myanmar has officially made clarifica­tions over the statement of the Financial Action Task Force- FATF, officials from CBM will be ordered to clarify the regular monetary circulation and the regular operation of the State economy if necessary. Moreover, brochures must be distributed using languages in Russia, Chi­na and other regional countries in order to increase the inflow of FDI to the country. The Yan­gon Region government needs to help take possession of the land plots under the laws. The Yangon City Development Com­mittee has arranged to supply an adequate volume of water to the zone.

In producing value-added products based on fruits, re­gion-wise groups and cooper­ative societies should be set up depending on the different periods of harvesting fruits in respective areas of the State. And, the awareness for grow­ers must be raised on standard usage of pesticides on crops. SEZ contributes a great deal to the State economy as well as affects the GDP of the State. As Thilawa SEZ is a success­ful one, efforts must be made for achieving more success. And, efforts must be made for attracting more companies to enter the zone. As now is the time of striving for the all-round development of the nation, job creation will con­tribute to the development of the State economy. As such, coordination must be done to sell the remaining land pots.

Then, the Vice-Senior Gen­eral and party viewed the prod­ucts manufactured by Thilawa SEZ and gave necessary in­structions to officials at the hall of the zone.

The Vice-Senior General also viewed the functions of the factory of Kubota Myanmar Co Ltd in the zone, asked what he wanted to know and coordinat­ed necessary measures.

A total of 114 companies from 21 countries operate their businesses at Thilawa SEZ with investments.



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