Thursday, May 19, 2022

Coordination meeting on implementation of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community held in Nay Pyi Taw

THE Ministry of Religious Af­fairs and Culture organized a coordination meeting on the implementation of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.

During the meeting, Un­ion Minister U Ko Ko said that the work on the 2025 ASEAN Roadmap will be completed in 2025, and a High-Level Task Force will be formed to draw up the vision of the ASEAN Com­munity beyond 2025 so the ASE­AN Socio-Cultural Community pillar should review whether the cooperation work between the ASEAN community pillar or socio-cultural community pillars in considering core elements are perfect.

The Mid-Term Review-MTR 2020 was also submitted with the support of relevant organ­izations that attend today’s meeting. The work processes are the halfway to achieving the goals of 2025 and so the ASE­AN Community should express achievements at the end of 2025. The perfect data would gain in 2025 by applying experiences and challenges in drafting the previous MTR.

Then, officials of the De­partment of Historical Research and National Library, ASCC, senior officials and invitees of the Myanmar ASEAN So­cio-Cultural Community work­ing group discussed matters of their relevant sectors.



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