Friday, April 15, 2022

SAC member Daw Aye Nu Sein visits departmental, military water-throwing pandals in Sittway Township


STATE Administration Council member Daw Aye Nu Sein, accompanied by Rakhine State Chief Minister Dr Aung Kyaw Min, Commander of Western Command Maj-Gen Htin Latt Oo and other officials, visited the water-throwing pandals in Sittway Township of Rakhine State yesterday.

First, SAC member Daw Aye Nu Sein and the party went to the 8th Sittway Rakhine traditional Thingyan festival opening ceremony in Mizan Ward of Sittway Township.

During the visit, she made a New Year greeting speech, and the officials highlighted the aims of the ceremony.

Then, the Rakhine State government provided K25 million to the Sittway Rakhine traditional Thingyan organizing committee, and the officials presented cash awards to the committee and dance troupes. SAC member Daw Aye Nu Sein and the party then visited the Maha Thingyan pandals of the General Administration Department, Ministry of Science and Technology, Laywadi of Sittway Station, Ministry of Health and Central Pandal at U Ottama Park.

During the visit, they enjoyed the performance of artistes and dance groups and presented the cash awards to them.

Tin Tun (IPRD)/ GNLM


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