Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Asia-pacific joint group (AP JG) convenes meeting on progress of Myanmar anti-money laundering and counter-financing activities


THE meeting on the assessment of the Asia-Pacific Joint Group (AP JG) was held to discuss the progress of Myanmar’s Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Tesrorism(AML/ CFT) Asia Pacific Joint Group (AP JG) yesterday afternoon at the Central Bank of Myanmar.

by officials from the Financial Action Task Force-FATF and Asia Pacific Group-APG, representatives from the AP JG member countries including Australia, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, China (Macao), New Zealand, UK and USA, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar Daw Than Than Swe, representatives from the Ministry of Planning and Finance, Anti-Corruption Commission, Myanmar Police Force, Bureau of Special Investigation, Directorate of the Investment and Company Administration, Union Supreme Court and Financial Investigation Force.

The meeting discussed matters pertaining to the coordinating meetings with regulatory authorities in order to understand the risks of money laundering, issuance of riskbased guidelines for Designated Non-Financial businesses and professions (DNFBPs), Licencing and supervision of foreign remittance services, implementation of the Financial Investigation Force, investigating money laundering crimes, confiscation of money and property from committing crimes and developments related to counter-terrorism financing and the spread of deadly weapons in line with UN Security Council resolutions.



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