Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ministry of Information distributes radios to villages in Rakhine State

Ministry of Information handed over 67,880 radios to the Rakhine State Government yesterday, so that they may distribute the radios to people living in remote areas in Rakhine State.

On behalf of the ministry, U Myint Htwe, Director-General of the Myanma Radio and Television (MRTV), handed over the radios to the Rakhine State Minister for Development Affairs, U Win Myint, at the office of the Rakhine State Government in Sittway at 9 am yesterday.

At the event, state minister U Win Myint delivered a speech, and MRTV Director-General U Myint Htwe explained the contribution of radios to villages in Rakhine State.

The MRTV broadcasts two radio programs in Myanmar and English and in 17 ethnic languages, including Rakhine language, from 5 am to 11 pm daily.

The MRTV also has 18 digital TV channels and there are 17 transmission stations for digital TV channels in Rakhine State.

The TV channel in Rakhine language broadcasts programmes of Rakhine traditional heritage and development.

Myo Myint, Maung Sein Lwin
(Translated by Kyaw Zin Lin)
Photo Min Htet
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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