Thursday, January 31, 2019

Launching ceremony for mushroom cultivation project to aid people living with disabilities in Ayeyawady Region

A ceremony launching the Home-based Mushroom Cultivation for Persons with Disabilities in Ayeyawady Region Project was held at M Gallery Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. The ceremony was attended by Union Election Commission Chairman U Hla Thein and Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Win Myat Aye said there are already laws in place that create opportunities for people living with disabilities (PLWDs) and protects them as well. He said this aids in stabilizing PLWDs’ stance and development as part of the broader path to social coexistence, reconciliation, and peace.

The SWRR Minister said everyone needs to give a hand in supporting PLWDs. He said support is not limited to monetary donations as it also encompasses education, healthcare, and social aspects and it is equally important to help them gain vocational skills. He said his ministry regularly supports PLWDs across the country by collecting their names throughout the states and regions and conducting initial supportive measures.

The Union Minister said support from external organizations are equally important, expressing his gratitude to Shwe Min Thar Foundation for supporting PLWDs from all avenues. He expressed his belief that the mushroom cultivation project organized by the foundation will effectively create job opportunities for PLWDs.

This project is organized by the Union government, APCD Foundation and Shwe Min Thar Foundation and was initiated on 29 May 2018, said the Union Minister. He said this project is a leading example for creating job opportunities for PLWDs and also energizes the Union government’s performances.

This project will teach PLWDs how to cultivate mushrooms as a vocational skill for generating additional income. The project period will take one year to facilitate the PLWDs to administer their mushroom cultivation on their own. The project will benefit a combined 132 PLWDs and their family members and the 8 mushroom farmers residing in the project area. He said the project will indirectly benefit about 700 PLWD family members as well.

This project will be implemented in the Ayeyawady Region’s townships of Pathein, Yekyi, Danubyu, and Hinthada. The project aims to elevate the skills, capabilities, expertise, and financial management of PLWDs involved. It also aims to increase PLWDs’ participation in the agricultural sector and their recognition as a valuable human resource in the economy.

(Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)
Photo: MNA
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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