The Second Pyidaungsu
Hluttaw’s tenth regular session held its fifth-day meeting at Pyidaungsu
Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday.
Hluttaw agrees on
appointing U Min Thu as Union Minister for Union Government Office
The meeting starts off
with Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat announcing the agreement of the
Hluttaw on the appointment of U Min Thu as Union Minister for Union Government
Office as proposed by the President.
Hluttaw approves Bill
Amending the Sea Customs Act
Next, Pyidaungsu
Hluttaw Speaker obtained the paragraph by paragraph decision and approval of
the Hluttaw based on the comment of the joint bill committee regarding the Bill
Amending the Sea Customs Act followed by Deputy Minister for Planning and
Finance U Maung Maung Win, tabling a motion to approve the entire bill.
After obtaining the
decision of the Hluttaw, The Speaker announced the Hluttaw’s approval of the
entire bill.
Government debt
explained and reported
Annual report on the
government debt for financial year 2017-2018 was then explained by Deputy
Minister for Planning and Finance U Maung Maung Win.
The Deputy Minister
explained that based on the comments and remarks of the Joint Public Accounts
Committee and suggestions and discussions of the Hluttaw representatives on
government debt annual report for financial year 2016-2017 the annual report on
the government debt for financial year 2017-2018 includes comparison of data
and debts figures for three financial years starting from 2015-2016 to
2017-2018, internal debt as of 31 March 2018 were shown period wise, assessment
of challenges and difficulties faced on debt management for financial year
2017-2018 and charts and diagrams that includes figures and percentages were added
to make it a better report.
As the report was
prepared as discussed and suggested by the Hluttaw representatives and followed
the comments and findings of the Joint Public Accounts Committee, the
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is requested to put on record the government debt annual
report for financial year 2017-2018.
Following this,
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Public Accounts Committee secretary U Khin Maung Than
read the committee’s findings and comments report 10/2018 on the annual report.
Afterwards the Speaker
announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the report to
register their names.
Joint Bill Committee
report on Traditional Medicine Council Bill read
Later, a Joint Bill
Committee report on the committee’s findings and comments on Traditional Medicine
Council Bill on which the two Hluttaws were in disagreement was read by
committee secretary U Zaw Win. This was followed by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw
Speaker announcing for Hluttaw representatives who wish to discuss the report
to register their names.
Discussion and decision
on IASIA membership
Afterwards, Hluttaw
representatives discussed the matter of becoming International Association of
Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) member and annual membership
fee sent by the President. U Myo Win of Mon State constituency 8 supported the
matter while Dr. Tin Tin Win of Bago Region constituency 5 and U Saw of Nyaung
U constituency also discussed the matter.
Following the
discussion of the Hluttaw representatives, Union Civil Service Board Chairman
Dr. Win Thein explained that becoming a member of IASIA will allow institutes
of civil service to study good international experiences and practice, raise
the human resources capacity on teaching and training, enable discussion with
international research organisations and prepare administration and management
papers in collaboration with international research organisations, eventually
raising the capacity of the institutes to international level and share
international experience on training and teaching public servants.
The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw
Speaker then announced the Hluttaw’s approval of the matter after obtaining the
decision of the Hluttaw.
Hluttaw approves $ 24.3
mln NEDA loan
The matter of obtaining
US$ 24.3 million loan from Thailand’s Neighbouring Countries Economic
Development Cooperation Agency (NEDA) was then explained by Ministry of
Construction and Ministry of Planning and Finance.
Deputy Minister for
Construction U Kyaw Lin explained that the loan includes $ 11.3 million to
upgrade water distribution system in Myawady, $ 7.6 million to upgrade waste
disposal system in Myawady, $ 2.2 million for capacity building of government
personnel in Myawady to conduct Public Awareness Programs, as well as financing
charges and other expenses. Preliminary preparation and approval process of the
project was undertaken in 2017-2018 and in 2019-2020 details of the project and
procurement works will be drawn up utilizing the service of a Consultant Team.
The Deputy Minister
requested the Hluttaw to approve the $ 24.3 million NEDA loan that is
beneficial not only for the development of Myawady but also the related
development in Myanmar hotel, travel sector and industrial sector supporting
Myanmar’s entire economy.
Deputy Minister for
Planning and Finance U Maung Maung Win on the other hand explained about how
the negotiation and signing for loan agreement will be conducted with the loan
providing organisation, managing the acquisition, reporting and repayment of
the loan. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker announced Hluttaw’s approval of the loan
after 463 Hluttaw representatives voted for with 9 against and 2 abstaining.
Hluttaw discuss and
decide to sign MCMC MMoU
As a final agenda of
the day Hluttaw representatives discussed the matter of signing Mekong Capital
Market Cooperation Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MCMC MMoU). U Khin
Cho of Hlaingbwe constituency and Dr. Khin Sithu of Loikaw constituency
discussed in support of the matter while Daw Khin Hnin Thit of Padaung
constituency and U Kyaw Thaung of Sagaing Region constituency 1 participated in
the discussion.
Deputy Minister for
Planning and Finance U Maung Maung Win responded to the discussion and
explained about the benefits of signing the MoU and requested the Hluttaw to
approve the signing of the MoU.
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw
Speaker then announced Hluttaw’s approval to sign the MoU after the decision of
the Hluttaw was obtained. The sixth-day meeting of the tenth regular session of
the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is scheduled for 3 December.
Aung Ye Thwin, Aye Aye
Thant (MNA)
(Translated by Zaw Min)
Photo: MNA
Ref; The Global New
Light of Myanmar
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