Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Additional statistical bulletin on drug seizures, acting on tip-offs from public

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Office of the President

Press Release No. 9/2018

10th Waning of Second Waso, 1380 ME

(6 August 2018)

Additional statistical bulletin on drug seizures, acting on tip-offs from public

1. In order to prevent and eradicate the dangers of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the Office of the President has formed the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department on 26 June 2018 to systematically accept and respond to reports on drug abuses and other related cases from the general public.

2. With orders from the Office of the President, the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department relayed information on reports on additional drug-related offenses from 29 July to 4 August 2018 to the Ministry of Home Affairs to take action, as displayed below:

Nature of report
Details on seizure and legal action taken
Information received of selling illegal drugs from several compounds near the lake in Kyaysargone Village (North), Minchaung Village-tract, Nyaungshwe Tsp, Shan State. Individuals would arrive by boat to conduct illegal drug trade between 4pm and 7pm. Kyaw Lay of Nwardama (South) Village, Minchaung Village-tract has been selling illegal drugs for 3 years.
On 29-7-2018, local police investigated with boats near the lake in Kyaysargone Village (North), Minchaung Village-tract, Nyaungshwe Tsp, and entered the motorboat of Aung Kyaw Lay (a) Kyaw Lay, 26, from Nwardama (South) Village, Minchaung Village-tract. There they arrested him and Win Pe, 30, from Kyaysargone Village (North), in possession of WY psychotropic tablets and a CHANGGHAI wooden boat with a China made 25-HP engine. A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa (Nyaungshwe) MaYa(Pa) 7/2018 under Section 19-A/20-A/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of illegal drugs flowing into Htigyaing and Katha Tsps and neighboring villages in Sagaing Region from Shwe Li, Kyaekaung and Muse on China’s side.
On 1-8-2018, local police staked out the Ayeyawady bridge (Htigyaing) and stopped and searched an unlicensed motorcycle driven by Win Kyaw, 48, from Pinlebu Tsp, Kyipwetalin Village. Police arrested him after finding heroin (white/yellow powder) and WY psychotropic tablets in his possession. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Htigyaing) MaYa(Pa) 22/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of Ko Nyo Lone, who lives in both Naw Mon and Mae Han villages, Lashio Tsp, Shan State, selling illegal drugs. He sends illegal drugs from Lashio to Meiktila, Thazi either with an unlicensed car or by express bus.
On 3-8-2018, local police entered the house of Ko Nyo Lone (a) Naing Oo, 28, in Naw Mon Village, Lashio Tsp, and searched his Mark-2 car (1D/9156) but no evidence of illegal drugs was found. Police escorted Ko Nyo Lone to his mother-in-law Daw Khin Aye’s, 56, house in Mae Han Village and discovered a metal case hidden in the ground under her bed containing WY psychotropic drugs. A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa (Lashio) MaYa(Pa) 142/2018 under Section 19-A/20-A/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of U Chit Ko selling illegal drugs from Chan Chan beauty salon near the fire station in Pyilonenaing Ward, Kyaukse Tsp, Mandalay Region. The drugs are reportedly hidden in pipes behind the saloon mirror.
On 29-7-2018, local police entered Chan Chan beauty salon near the fire station in Pyilonenaing Ward, Kyaukse Tsp, and discovered the hidden cache of “88/1” psychotropic tablets behind the salon mirror. U Chit Ko, 57, has been arrested and a case opened against him with MaMaSa (Kyaukse) MaYa(Pa) 16/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of Ismanin (a) Soe Win trading illegal drugs from his house behind Yaung Ni Tun photostat service shop, located in the street opposite of Phyo motorcycle parts shop in Myeik Tsp, Taninthayi Region.
On 30-7-2018, local police entered house No.25 on Pale Street, Myitnge Ward, Myeik Tsp, and arrested Ismanin (a) Soe Win, 36, together with a stash of powder speciosa (kratom) hidden in the kitchen floorboard. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Myeik) MaYa(Pa) 144/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of illegal drug sales in the vicinity of Thinpaungkyin Village, Nyaungzin Village-tract, Kanbalu Tsp, Sagaing Region.
On 2-8-2018, local police staked out near Boyone Village on the YeU-Karbo-Mubaung road, five miles north of YeU Township, and stopped and searched a motorcycle ridden by Chit Myo Zaw, 20. Police found heroin (white/yellow powder) in his possession and arrested him. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (YeU) MaYa(Pa) 3/2018 under Section 19-A/20-A/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of Sai Pyae Aung (a) Aung Pyae selling illegal drugs from his home located opposite the BOC oil pump store at the 9-mile access road on the Hsipaw-Nantlan Road, Hsipaw Tsp, Shan State.
On 30-7-2018, local police entered the house of Sai Pyae Aung (a) Aung Pyae, 31, in Kolone Village, Hsipaw Tsp, and arrested him and Maung Soe, 21, together with WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa (Hsipaw) MaYa(Pa) 19/2018 under Section 16-A/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Further inspection led to the arrest of Thein Tun Naing, 38, in Sutlan Village, Hsipaw Tsp, together with WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Hsipaw) MaYa(Pa) 20/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of groups of people selling illegal drugs daily on the hilltop in Group 10, Ward 4, Kutkai Tsp, Shan State (North).
The 30-7-2018 announcement reported that seven men were arrested together with heroin and psychotropic tablets and 6 cases have been opened against them.
Investigations into related cases led to a stakeout near Yaychaung in Group 3, Ward 6, Kutkai Tsp on 30-7-2018. Police arrested Li Chain Haw, 42, from Ward 6, together with heroin and WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Kutkai) MaYa(Pa) 72/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Another stakeout conducted on 31-7-2018 in Ward 4, Kutkai Tsp led to the arrest of Aik Hla (a) Kun Sai, 45, from Kotin Village, together with “88/1” psychotropic tablets and heroin (white/yellow powder). A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Kutkai) MaYa(Pa) 73/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
A stakeout conducted on 1-8-2018 in Ward 8, Kutkai Tsp, led to the arrest of Makhar, 27, from Zutkaungkalaing Village, together with WY psychotropic tablets and heroin. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Kutkai) MaYa(Pa) 74/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Further investigation led to the arrest of Ma Zaungnar, 30, in Ward 5, Kutkai Tsp, together with WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against her with MaMaSa (Kutkai) MaYa(Pa) 75/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances Law.
A stakeout conducted on 3-8-2018 along the road leading to the cemetery in Ward 4, Kutkai Tsp, led to arrest of Aik Nyoe, 19, from Huikot Village, together with WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Kutkai) MaYa(Pa) 76/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Another stakeout conducted on 4-8-2018 near the cemetery in Ward 4, Kutkai Tsp, led to the arrest of Wu Zay Yan, 36, from Banlone Village, Kutkai Tsp, together with heroin and WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Kutkai) MaYa(Pa) 78/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of Ko Htet Paing of Aungban Tsp, Shan State (South) selling illegal drugs along roads leading into Pindaya, Loikaw, Myinmahti, Tikyit, Lamaing, among others.
On 4-8-2018, local police entered the house of Htet Paing Htut (a) Htet Paing in No.24, Theikpan Street, Ward 1, Aungban Tsp, and arrested him together with WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Aungban) MaYa(Pa) 11/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of Pileik and his wife Daw Par Lone selling illegal drugs in Wamkan Ward, Kehsi Tsp, Shan State. A large proportion of the local youth are also victims of drug abuse.
On 30-7-2018, local police entered the house of Pileik,44, and his wife Daw Par Lone, 47, in Wamkan Ward, Kehsi Tsp, and arrested them together with WY psychotropic tablets and heroin. A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa (Kehsi) MaYa(Pa) 3/2018 under Section 19-A/20-A/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of Ko Win Hlaing selling illegal drugs in Ward 1, Hlaing Kwet Thit area, Kawkareik Tsp.
On 31-7-2018, local police entered the house of Win Hlaing, 48, on Chuangtaung Kwet Thit Street 5, in Ward 1, Kawkareik Tsp, and arrested him and his son Chit Phoo Hlaing, 20, together with WY psychotropic tablets, one M-16 rifle, 159 bullets, 4 cartridges, and a black strap. A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa (Kawkareik) MaYa(Pa) 18/2018 under Section 19-A/22-B/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of U Pauk Kyaing selling illegal drugs on B.E.P.S (1) School Street, Ward 3, Kunhing Tsp, Shan State (South).
On 29-7-2018, local police entered the house of U Pauk Kyaing, 40, on B.E.P.S (1) School Street, Ward 3, Kunhing Tsp, and arrested him together with WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Kunhing) MaYa(Pa) 3/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of large-scale sales of illegal drugs in the vicinity of the basic education high school in Ward 1, Kawzar Town, Ye Tsp, Mon State.
On 31-7-2018, police conducted a stakeout near the road downhill from Wamwi bridge near the basic education high school in Ward 1, Kawzar Town. Police stopped and searched passing vehicles and arrested Saik Cham, 28, and Maung Htoo, 23, together with WY psychotropic tablets, and Win Naing, 36, and Maung Lin, 33, also with WY psychotropic tablets in their possession. Police traced the tablets to a rubber farm owned by Maung U Naing in Ward 1. A case has been opened against all five perpetrators with MaMaSa(Kawzar) MaYa(Pa) 9/2018 under Section 16-C/20-A/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Police also searched the rubber farm of Maung U Naing, 33, and seized WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Kawzar) MaYa(Pa) 10/2018 under Section 16-C/20-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of Daw Haung Say and her son Lin Aung Say selling illegal drugs from their home in Natpyi Hmwae Street, Sayarsan Ward (South), Tatkon Tsp, Nay Pyi Taw Council Territory.
On 30-7-2018, local police entered the house of Daw Haung Say, 52, at No.1052 in Sayarsan Ward, Tatkon Tsp, and arrested her and her son Lin Aung Say, 26, together with “88/1” psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa (Tatkon) MaYa(Pa) 12/2018 under Section 16-C/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of Ma Elni selling illegal drugs in Kittar Street, Zayawadi Ward, Aunglan Tsp, Magway Region.
On 30-7-2018, local police entered the house of Ma Elni, 30, at No. (Za/77) on Kittar Street, Zayawadi Ward, Aunglan Tsp, and arrested her together with WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against her with MaMaSa (Aunglan) MaYa(Pa) 6/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of U Tin Hlaing and his daughter Ma Aye Than from Payargone Ward, 10-Mile Ywarthit Village, Mohnyin Tsp, Kachin State, selling illegal drugs in the eastern part of Shwelin Forest along the Mandalay-Myitkyina Road.
On 1-8-2018, local police entered the dwelling of U Tin Hlaing, 61, located two miles east of the Mandalay -Myitkyina Road (locally known as Shwelin Forest), Mawhan Village-tract, Mohnyin Tsp, and arrested him together with raw opium. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Mohnyin) MaYa(Pa) 115/2018 under Section 16-C/20-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Police also searched the dwelling of Ma Aye (a) Ma Than Than Aye, 37, located in the vicinity of her father’s dwelling and arrested her, Maung Lay, 25, from 10-Mile Village, Myint Lin, 35, from Theininn Ward, Mohnyin Tsp, together with opium blocks, saplings, and opium tinctures. A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa (Mohnyin) MaYa(Pa) 116/2018 under Section 16-C/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of U Tint Zaw selling illegal drugs in Helo Village (Inlay), Taungto Village-tract, Nyaungshwe Tsp, Shan State (South).
On 2-8-2018, local police entered the house of Tint Zaw, 41, in Helo Village, Nyaungshwe Tsp, and arrested him and Pyae Phyo Aung, 25, from Paungpaing Village, together with WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against them with NaMaSa (Nanban) MaYa(Pa) 10/2018 under Section 19-A/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of Ain Natkar (a) Ai-U selling illegal drugs in Hopan Street, Ward 1, Lashio Tsp, Shan State (North), as well as using illegal drugs with youths in his home daily.
On 2-8-2018, local police entered the house of Aik Natkar (a) Ai-U (a) Aiknat, 30, at No.15, Ward 1, Lashio Tsp, and arrested him, Aik Liz, 45, from Ward 5, and Nyi Mon, 37, from Ward 5, together with poppy saplings, poppy seeds, marijuana seeds, opium tinctures, opium residue, a marijuana plant and its picked leaves. A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa (Lashio) MaYa(Pa) 139/2018 under Section 16-A/16-C/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of U Ngwe Ya and Aung Lin of Tema Village, Phaungpyin Tsp, Sagaing Region selling illegal drugs.
On 2-8-2018, local police entered the house of U Ngwe Ya, 56, in Tema Village, Phuangpyin Tsp, and arrested him together with heroin (white/yellow powder). A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Phaungpyin) MaYa(Pa) 54/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Further investigation led to the arrest of Aung Lin, 44, and Thein Soe, 25, together with WY psychotropic tablets and heroin (white/yellow powder) in Tema Village on 3-8-2018. A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa (Phaungpyin) MaYa(Pa) 55/2018 under Section 19-A/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of Ko Kyaw Oo and Nga Htet conducting large-scale distribution of illegal drugs in Thebopin Village, KhinU Tsp, Sagaing Region.
On 4-8-2018, local police entered the house of Kyaw Oo (a) Aung Kyaw Oo in Thebopin Village, KhinU Tsp, and arrested him together with WY psychotropic tablets found inside his house and in the garden. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (KhinU) MaYa(Pa) 4/2018 under Section 19-A/20-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Further investigation led to the arrest of Nga Htet (a) Maung Htet from the same village together with WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (KhinU) MaYa(Pa) 5/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Information received of Ashay Gyi and U Poe Wa selling illegal drugs in Mangyipin Village, Mongmit Tsp, Shan State (South).
On 2-8-2018, local police entered the house of Kyaw Myo Lwin (a) Ashay Gyi, 29, in Paddamyar Ward, Mangyipin Ward, Mongmit Tsp, and arrested him together with heroin. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Mongmit) MaYa(Pa) 61/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Further investigation led to the arrest of Poe Wa (a) Nyunt Hlaing, 58, of the same ward, together with heroin. A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa (Mongmit) MaYa(Pa) 62/2018 under Section 16-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.

3. Out of the information sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs, so far 109 cases have been opened as of 4-8-2018, and 142 men and 24 women have been arrested with seizures of 1,739.35 g of heroin, 0.55 g of ICE, 30 g of black opium, 31,336 g of raw opium, 14.00 g of low-quality opium, 27.50 g of opium residue, 1,502 g of powder opium, 3,266 g of speciosa, 43,246 stimulant tablets, 1,758.08 g of marijuana, 0.10 litres of opium tincture, 5.90 g of opium blocks, and 60 g of poppy seeds. Efforts for fighting the drug trafficking has been stepped up and the ministry will report on further exposed cases.

4. In addition to the investigations and arrests conducted on drug related complaints mentioned above, the Tatmadaw and Myanmar Police Force have also carried out separate investigations on drug complaints, search and arrests at border gates, and searches of vehicles acting upon given information, resulting in 272 cases being opened between 29-7-2018 and 4-8-2018, and 348 men and 53 women have been arrested. Seizures of 1,749.59 g of heroin, 0.91 g of ICE, 5,330.81 g of raw opium, 74.00 g of low-quality opium, 255.00 g of powder opium, 262,916 stimulant tablets, 2,519.78 g of marijuana, 0.07 g of crushed stimulant tablet powder, 2.95 litres of liquid heroin, 3,064.10 of opium blocks, and 79 tablets of buprenorphine tablets.

5. To seize further drugs and to arrest drugs dealers, people are urged to inform the Ministry of Home Affairs, region and state governments and to inform huge cases of drug trafficking and other suspicious cases directly to the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department of the Office of the President through the following contact numbers:

Contacts : Auto telephone No.: 067-590200

Fax Phone No.: 067-590233

Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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