Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Seriously injured patients in ARSA extremist terrorists’ attacks transferred to Sittway General Hospital

 August, 29, 2017
According to Sittway General Hospital, 5 patients who were seriously wounded in the attacks launched by extremist terrorists and currently receiving medical treatment at Maungtaw hospital were transferred to Sittway general hospital yesterday morning.

Dr Thein Shwe, Superintendent of State General Hospital, Sittway said, “Today, 2 in-door patients and 3 out-patients from Maungtaw were transferred in a motor boat. We here in Sittway have had specialist medical doctors and a sufficient amount of drugs. All the patients who reached here were given out medical treatment free of charge, including medicines and surgical operations. If necessary, we accept all the patients transferred, as indoor or outdoor patients.” After series of terrorist attacks, on 26th August 2 injured patients from Buthidaung hospital, one injured patient from Ponnagyun township arrived at the Sittway general hospital, while on 28th August, one injured patient from Buthidaung township, two from Yathedaung and on 29th August two injured and 3 out-patients from Maungtaw arrived at the hospital. All the patients have their wounds operated, it was learnt. At about 11 am on 28 August, personnel from Road Department had been wounded by a burst of the hand-made mine planted by ARSA terrorists, while riding on motor-bike nearby Koetangauk in Yathedaung township, receiving medical treatment at Sittway hospital, it has been learnt.
U Maung Thein Aung, supervisor of road department who was receiving medical treatment at Sittway general hospital due to the attack by ARSA recounted, “On my way from Koetangauk, our bike stepped over the hand-made mine planted by ARSA extremist terrorists. Shrapnel hit me on my head, my back and my hands. Out of four on the two bikes, only our bike was hit. The front one was completely unharmed. As soon as it took place, I ordered the bike rider to go straight to Ah Ngu Maw port as quickly as possible. While shedding blood, we came straight to Sittway hospital, by boat from Ah Ngu Maw.” Similarly, Ko Zaw Myo Aung, supervisor 2, Phaungtawpyin rural health department in Buthidaung township, who was wounded by the attack of ARSA extremist terrorists on 25 August said, “At about 2 am on 25 August, ARSA terrorist attackers amounting to 100 made an armed attack over Phaungtawpyin police outposts, armed with swords, firearms and bombs.
At that time I was sleeping at the police outpost. I was seriously wounded on my hand, with my leg slightly injured. Some police forces were killed in the attack. I was hospitalized to Buthidaung hospital and then transferred to Sittway general hospital.”
Among the patients who were injured and hospitalized due to armed attacks from ARSA extremist terrorists, a police man named Thura Naing died of serious wounds at Sittway hospital.
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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