Monday, August 28, 2017


August 27, 2017
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Anti-terrorism Central Committee
Order No. 1/2017
1379 MY 4 Waxing Day of Tawthalin
(25 August 2017)
Following is the full text of the official translation of the announcement which declares the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) a terrorist organization. An unofficial translation of the announcement was covered on the front page of the 26-8-2017 issue of the Global New Light of Myanmar.

The Anti-Terrorism Central Committee has issued this Order with the approval of the Union Government in exercise of the Anti-Terrorism law Section-72 Sub-section (B).
1. The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has formed various committees to undertake the tasks to ensure security, stability and peace, rule of law and regional development in Rakhine State. It has also carried out regional security and development tasks and provided health care services fulfilling the requirements of the State.
2. On 9 October 2016, the terrorists launched a surprise attack on the No.1 Border Guard Police Command Headquarters (Kyikanpyin), police outpost at Kotankauk and the Ngakhuya local administrative office. In that incident, 9 policemen were killed and 48 assorted arms, 6624 bullets, 47 bayonets, and 164 bullet cartridges seized by the terrorists. Investigation reveals that terrorists had infiltrated the area where the majority of the residents were Muslims and organized violent attacks to escalate terrorist acts in that area.
3. In response to the situation, Border Guard Police Command No.1 reinforced troops and has been collaborating with the Tatmadaw to provide security in the region. The multiple killings, threats and propaganda have adversely affected the process for regional peace and rule of law. Clearance operations in May Yu mountain range have also uncovered multiple terrorist training camps.
4. On 25 August, extremist terrorist groups again launched sneak attacks on 30 police outposts in Maungtaw, Buthidaung and Yathedaung townships as well as against the Regiment Headquarters in Taungthazar village. 10 police officers, 1 soldier and 1 immigration officer were killed. 9 security officers and a number of civilians were wounded. 6 firearms were lost.
5. The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar strongly condemns these terrorist acts and will do all in its power to prevent them from occurring again. It will strive to bring the perpetrators to justice.
6. The Union Government hereby declares that the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) and its supporters, responsible for the acts of terrorism, as a terrorist group in accordance with the Counter-Terrorism Law Section 6, Sub-Section 5.

Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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