Monday, December 5, 2016

Voices from Local Residents on Kofi Annan’s Maungtaw Trip

December 4, 2016       
By Myint Maung Soe

Kofi Annan, the chairman of the advisory commission on Rakhine State, commission members, U Nyi Pu, Chief Minister of Rakhine State Cabinet and responsible officials went to villages in Maungtaw District to hear the voices of local residents.

Here are some excerpts from conversations with residents.

Mohamed Rafeik of Buthitaung

“We assume that the commission’s present visit will benefit peace and stability of the area. As regards Buthitaung’s situation, the local populace did try for conflicts not to take place in the region in 2012 as well. Now we are taking great care for any problems not to break out in Buthitaung. For peace and stability of the area, all the populace residing in the region will have to try hand in hand with each other.”

U Zaw Phyo Tun (administrator, Kyikanpyin, Wapeik Village) said: “We warmly welcome the trip of the commission. As the existing situations are being dealt with according to law, we hope for the good outcome.”

U Saw Thein Aung(In-charge of the school, Wapeik village): “It will be successful if all the nationals work together. The commission’s visit will result in a good outcome concerning peace and stability, which is the vital role in the region.”

U Hasaung Amed of Kyetyoepyin village: “We want to live in peace here. We don’t want to move to other places. We warmly welcome the visit of the commission and we hope for the best. We all are willing to co-exist in this place. We don’t want any problems.”

Daw Nyo Ma Oo of Shwe Baho village said that Mr Kofi Annan’s visit would bring about the just and fair performance and we have the best chance to live in unity.

U Tin Aung, the administrator of Gorduthara village said, “The present visit of Mr Kofi Annan will bear good results and the commission will perform at its best based on the existing situations, we assume.”

Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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