Sunday, September 29, 2024

Comprehensive crackdown on illegal trade: K632 million worth of goods seized in two days


SUPERVISED by the Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee, action is being taken under the law against illicit trading across the nation.

During inspections on 27 September, the combined on-duty teams seized a Yutong bus (approximately K70 million), heading to Yangon from Hpa-an, carrying one kind of consumer goods and one kind of foodstuffs worth K7.56 million without official documents at the Mayanchaung permanent checkpoint and a Hino Ranger truck (approximately K22 million), travelling from Aungban to Mandalay, carrying one kind of foodstuff worth K9.5 million at the Kywetatson checkpoint, a Faw tractor head with a trailer (estimated value of K81 million), travelling from Mandalay to Mongyai, carrying illegal petroleum weighing 176 barrels worth K128,597,385 and illegal teak weighing 0.546 tonne worth K180,000 and one kind of industrial materials, two unregistered vehicles with a machinery vehicle valued at K250.4 million in Thazi township. The action was taken under Customs procedures, the Petroleum and Petroleum Products Law and the Forest Law.

On 27 and 28 September, the combined teams managed by the Bago Region Illegal Trade Eradication Task Force impounded an Ankai express bus (approximately K40 million) heading to Mandalay from Mawlamyine carrying four kinds of foodstuffs worth K3.792 million, an unregistered Honda Fit (estimated value of K5 million) in Waw township and illegal teak weighing 7.978 tonnes and illegal other timbers weighing 3.401 tonnes valued at K4,857,456 in Toungoo, Nyaunglebin, Pyay and Thayawady districts. The action was taken under Customs procedures, the Export and Import Law and the Forest Law.

The Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee reported 16 arrests from 27 and 28 September, with an estimated value of K632 million.



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