Tuesday, May 7, 2019

NRPC, Kayah State Government, KNPP meet in Loikaw

NATIONAL Reconciliation and Peace Center (NRPC), Kayah State Government and Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) held a meeting at Famous Hotel, Loikaw Town, Kayah State yesterday morning.

At the meeting Peace Commission Secretary Lt-Gen (Retired) Khin Zaw Oo said KNPP and NRPC met in Nay Pyi Taw on 18 March where some positive agreements were reached covering recognition of future works on education and health,
At the meeting Peace Commission Secretary Lt-Gen (Retired) Khin Zaw Oo recalled the positive agreements reached at KNPP-NRPC meeting in Nay Pyi taw on 18 March. He also recalled the agreements reached in a meeting between Tatmadaw negotiation team led by Lt-Gen Yar Pyae and KNPP group led by Vice Chairman Khu Oo Reh.
In comparison to other groups, KNPP was having better opportunities through having regular monthly meetings. Even those who had signed the NCA (Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement) didn’t have such opportunities of regularly meeting with State Government to discuss regional and military matters. KNPP was having a good opportunity to meet the state government monthly with the participation of the regional military commands.
The aims of these were to open a path for KNPP to sign the NCA by resolving difficulties within the region through monthly discussion and negotiation. The aim was also to build trust through meetings. In the forthcoming meetings KNPP can discuss difficulties faced on the ground and the State government and regional commands will resolve matters without overstepping their authorities. The Peace Commission was participating in this meeting because if there were matters that were beyond the authorities of the State government and regional commands. As such meeting attendees were requested to openly discuss and as these meetings were successful, it’ll become closer for KNPP to sign the NCA, said the Peace Commission Secretary.
Next Kayah State Chief Minister U L Phaung Sho spoke of being honored on behalf of Kayah State on the fact that union level and State level KNPP group leaders and officials were meeting in a positive manner with full willingness and belief to implement peace that was truly required in the State. Kayah State government will support and assist while going step by step and if there were matters that couldn’t be conducted by the State government those will be submitted to NRPC to obtain guidance. He added on warmly welcoming all KNPP leaders to strengthen cooperation and conduct systematic reforms.
Afterwards, KNPP Vice Chairman Khu Oo Reh said this meeting was the continuation of the regular monthly meeting between KNPP and Kayah Sate government. During the bilateral ceasefire between KNPP and government there were stabilities as well inconveniences. Still a situation that was better than other states had been maintained
Since the time of the previous government monthly meetings were held with the aims to implement agreements and to find resolution to daily inconveniences. However, as the rules and regulations on the monthly meetings were not discussed and agreed upon the monthly meetings ended with inconveniences. Due to weakness in mutual understanding there was a complete break in the meeting and former leaders were discussed and negotiated to restart it, said Khu Oo Reh.
However, after the change of government, efforts aimed at signing the NCA became the main reason why monthly meetings were not held as more emphasis was placed on coordinating and discussing with other ethnic armed organizations. That was why monthly meetings were restarted as agreed in the Bilateral Agreement.
Representatives sent to these monthly meetings were central committee members and reserve central committee members who were sector wise responsible persons. As good results and outcomes were not reached, this time we as well as leaders and representatives of NRPC and Peace Commission were participating in the meeting. The aim was to conduct monthly meetings systematically. It was believed that this would support the holding of monthly meetings.
Prior to signing the NCA some works that can be done in cooperation and solution for inconveniences in some areas will be discussed with officials in this meeting based on Bilateral Agreement. Discussion on regular matters with the State Government will be done in the regular meeting while military matters will be discussed in a separate meeting with military leaders.
Before reaching the final stage of implementing peace during the ceasefire period an interim program of negotiation and discussion on education, health and development works will be conducted with relevant representatives and State government officials. Therefore department wise officials were to find results and solution on the meeting discussions, said Khu Oo Reh.
Next, resumption of monthly regular meeting, the format of the meeting between the State Government and KNPP as well as regional development, health, education and general matters were discussed.
The meeting discussed and approved work guideline on conducing state level regular monthly meeting between Kayah State government and KNPP as well as regional development, education and health matters and cooperation work processes.
KNPP Vice Chairman Khu Oo Reh, Kayah State Chief Minister U L Phaung Sho and Peace Commission Secretary Lt-Gen (Retired) Khin Zaw Oo delivered concluding speeches.
The meeting was attended by Peace Commission member U Hla Maung Swe and advisor U Moe Zaw Oo, Ministry of State Counsellor’s Office Director General U Zaw Htay, head of regional command (Loikaw) Brg-Gen Myo Thant Naing, state ministers Col. Min Wei, Dr. Aung Kyaw Htay and U Maw Maw, state government secretary U Nyi Nyi Min, KNPP Vice Chairman Khu Oo Reh, permanent central committee members, reserve central committee and officials.
(Translated by Zaw Min)
Photos: MNA
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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