Wednesday, August 30, 2017

2nd Pyithu Hluttaw 5th Regular Session holds its 52nd day meeting

 August, 29, 2017
At 52nd day meeting held yesterday Dr U Maung Thin of Meiktila constituency put forward a motion urging the Union Government to keep DNA formation record that can be referred for each individual ethnic race.

As regards the motion, Major Htin Lin Oo, Tatmadaw Hluttaw Representative discussed in support, “Each and every one of the countries across the world, is conserving their own cultures. As for the Union with its own cultures and characteristics of the esteemed lineage, it is the national responsibility to make existences of national ethnic people and their cultures to eternally survive.
It is the national responsibility to have DNA formation record registered, which can be referred for each individual ethnic race. It is also serving the responsibility for national security from the technical point of view. Some professionals under the Tatmadaw medical corps are working for DNA testing and research works in some countries, studying the subject and researches in overseas countries’ universities.
The present motion has been found to have encouraged implementation of the work of having characteristics of national ethnic people born in the Union registered up to Genetic Level, by using cutting-edge technologies of the modern age.”
Also taking part in the meeting were U Saw Tun Mra Aung of Papun constituency, U Maung Myint of Mingin constituency, U Thein Tun of Kyaunggon constituency, Dr U Aung Khin of Pyin Oo Lwin constituency and Major Win Min Tun, Tatmadaw Hluttaw representative.
Over the discussions, U Thein Swe, Union Minister for Labour, Immigration and Population clarified and said that the motion should be put on record.
In replying to the question raised by U Myint Oo of Thanatpin constituency in Bago Region, Dr Myint Htwe, Union Minister for Health and Sports said, “The Ministry of Health and Sports had not designated any principles to be appointed as director-general or rector in the Department of Myanmar Traditional Medicine. Instead, depending upon qualifications, integrity, service age, professional competence in the subject and working capacity, these posts are filled.
So anyone who is well qualified, will be appointed as director-general or rector. And, the vacant posts under the Department of Traditional Medicine have been appointed.”
Myo Myint, Mi Mi Phyoe
(Myanmar News Agency)
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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