Thursday, May 25, 2017

Saw Mutu Sae Poe, KNU Chairperson delivers opening address at 2nd Session of UPC-21st Century Panglong

 May 24, 2017
The opening address made by Saw Mutu Sae Poe, Chairman of the Karen National Union at the 2nd Session of Union Peace Conference-21st Century Panglong is as follows:

Firstly I send my heartfelt wish for you to be blessed with physical and mental health and wealth, the State leaders, Hluttaw representatives, leaders of the Tatmadaw, political parties’ leaders, national ethnic armed groups’ leaders, Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and diplomats, representatives from international organisations and representative leaders from various sectors and groups, present at the 2nd meeting of UPC-21st Century Panglong, on behalf of the leaders representing national ethnic armed groups.

The first meeting of the UPC was held at the time of the former government’s reign, laying down a foundation for a peace process. During the reign of the incumbent NLD-ruling government, all-inclusive peace processes were targeted to commence, and 2nd UPC was held. At the present 3rd time (the second session of the 21st Century Panglong), the meeting is being held for achieving basic principles on political agreement which can be accepted by all.

Holding the 2nd session of 21st Century Panglong is in compliance with the prescriptions included in the NCA and it is of great political need. And it has reached an important stage as it is implementing the fact of holding political dialogues included in the NCA. We must acknowledge the fact that we can manage to build mutual trust among us after overcoming difficulties through patience and repeatedly made negotiations. It is not just enough for us to mutually understand. The whole populace needs to understand. Accordingly, it is urgently needed to get favourable results from the present peace process, as expected by all the national people, because smooth political transformation of Myanmar and success of peace process can be said to be likened to the head and tail of a coin.

So it is necessary to strengthen trust among participants. Plus, we wish for the emergence of mutual trust among those who did not take part in the peace process yet. We hope results which will come out from the present second session of UPC-21st Century Panglong will help further the peace process. We are required to take inclusion of all those concerned into consideration without excluding any others.
According to our experiences, we have learned that three basic foundations need to be laid down to solve political problems through political dialogue.

First, in political meetings, stakeholders – the government, Hluttaw, Tatmadaw, institutions, national ethnic armed groups who signed NCA, other armed groups, political parties, and representatives from social societies are those who need to take part.

Secondly, it is necessary to create a situation free from any influences so that thorough negotiations can be made. It will be difficult to get long-lasting peace if we do not have sufficient preparation, exchange of news and information and satisfactory discussions among respective organisations. Lastly, it is necessary to hold political discussions depending upon race, place and matters. We think that hastily-made political negotiations cannot help the national reconciliation and it cannot solve any problems.
I want to stress that there are still other national ethnic armed groups who are stakeholders in building up a future federal nation. We cannot solve the problem covering the whole nation with only those who signed the NCA.

In conclusion, long-lasting peace which will come out of the implementation of the NCA, and national reconciliation must be a win-win situation. I hereby conclude my speech with my heartfelt wish that we can discuss so that meaningful agreement will be reached, for national consolidation and peaceful cooperation.

Thank you very much.
Myanmar News Agency  (Unofficial Translation)

Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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