Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Hluttaw discusses climate change, disaster relief, irrigation bill

May 23, 2017
Bill amendments, the president’s visit to China, climate change and a $125 million loan from the World Bank for disaster relief were among the issues discussed at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw yesterday.

On the second day of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the hluttaw approved the bill to amend the provision of legal support law after the hluttaw deliberated the bill’s sections based on the comment of the Bill Committee on the bill that was sent back from the President with his comments.
At the meeting, the hluttaw put on record the memorandum of the President’s state visit to People’s Republic of China.

Afterward, Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw submit ted to hluttaw a water and irrigation bill that will set new tax rate for using irrigated waters that will make farmers value the irrigation water.

Next, Deputy Minister for Education U Win Maw Tun clarified the hluttaw on the matter of Myanmar continuing as member in 2017 Regional Cooperative Agreement (2017 RCA) replacing 1978 Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology for Asia and the Pacific (1978 RCA) that was sent by President and 6-month work progress report (from October 2016 to April 2017) of National Education Policy Commission. Announcement was made for hluttaw representative wishing to discuss water and irrigation bill, Myanmar continuing as member in 2017 RCA replacing 1978 RCA and 6-month work progress report of National Education Policy Commission to submit their name.

U Zaw Thein of Wakema constituency and Major Aung Kyaw Hnin of Dekkhinathiri constituency then discussed the matter of confirming Myanmar participating as member in the Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control sent by President. Afterward, hluttaw decided to approve the confirmation.

Hluttaw representatives then discussed the matter of borrowing US$125million from the World Bank to implement South East Asia Disaster Risk Management Project sent by Union President.

Tatmadaw Amyotha Hluttaw representative Major Thet Min Oo said establishing a natural disaster fund requires work to be done with a World Bank loan. US$20 million is earmarked for it while US$77 million is earmarked for Yangon City Development Committee to manage urban flooding and inundation. It is observed that there weren’t many cases of flooding and inundation in Yangon of past that lack urban development but with recent urban development unbalancing the old drainage system, flooding and inundation occurs during the time when high tide and rain coincides.

In addition to this, the rise in the water level of Yangon River, the main drain of Yangon, is the main cause of occurrences of flooding and inundation. Improvement to the drainage system, constructing retention storages, modern outfall and outlet structures and automatic tidal gates is required to prevent flooding and inundation.

Material support for the safety of the people and education and management are important matters for which US$22 million and US$5 million was earmarked and he therefore supports the borrowing. The matter of annual interest of Ks1.2 billion and annual repayment of Ks5 billion amounting to Ks 6.2 billion need to be considered, he added. Similarly, U Bo Bo Oo of Sanchaung constituency, U Nyan Lin of Shwepyitha constituency, Naw Hla Hla Soe of Yangon region constituency 10, U Khin Cho of Hlaingbwe constituency, Daw Aye Mya Mya Moe of Kyauktan constituency, U Aung Kyaw Lwin of Sedoktara constituency, U Aung Thike of Seikpyu constituency, Dr. Tin Tin Win of Bago region constituency 5, U Myo Win of Mon Sate constituency 8, U Oo Tun Maung of Ponnagyun constituency, U Maung Maung Oo of Insein constituency, U Aye Naing of Dagon Myothit (South) constituency and U Aung Kyaw Kyaw Oo of Hline constituency join the discussion.

Clarification by the relevant ministries and decision by the hluttaw on this matter will be made on the third day it is learnt.

Hluttaw representatives then discussed the matter of Myanmar signing the agreement on establishing Asian Forest Cooperation Organization sent by the President.

Daw Mar Mar Khine of Thaton constituency discussed that the aim of the agreement is resolving the effect of climate change with good technology within the long term forest management frame by transforming policy into solid work processes through increased cooperation in the forest sector that is beneficial for the country. The five climate change work processes are also very good. Good benefits can be gained through signing the agreement and since there is a need to develop forest sector with modern technology, she supports the signing of this international cooperation agreement.

U Khin Cho of Hlaingbwe constituency, U Win Myint Oo @ U Nay Myo of Nyaungshwe constituency, U J Yawpu of Kachin state constituency 1, U Saw Thar Lay Saw of Shwegyin constituency, U Myint Lwin of Twantay constituency, U Aye Naing of Dagon Myothit (South) constituency, Daw Ma Ma Lay of Shan state constituency 8, Daw Sha Mu of Kayah state constituency 5, U Whe Tin of Chin state constituency 11, Dr. Khun Win Thaung of Kachin state constituency 11, Dr. Khin Sithu of Loikaw constituency, U Saw Tun Mya Aung of Papun constituency, U Maung Maung Lat of Sagaing region constituency 9, U Win Maung of Magway region constituency, U Oo Tun Maung of Ponnagyun constituency, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Major Kyaw Zin Lat, U Myat Lit Oo of Htilin constituency and Dr. Aung Khin of Pyin Oo Lwin constituency also discussed the matter of signing the agreement on establishing Asian Foresit Cooperation Organization.

It is learnt that an advance notice will be provided as on when the explanation of the relevant ministries and decision by hluttaw will be made on this matter.
 Myo Myint, Aye Aye Thant (MNA)

Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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