May 30, 2017
At the 6th day meeting of 2nd Pyithu Hluttaw 5th regular session, held on
30 May, as regards the motion put forward by Daw Aye Aye Mu (a) Daw Sharmie of
Kalay constituency, titled “Urging the government to lay down orders, rules,
regulations on taking arrests with a view to controlling frequent changes of
hearing the cases without relevant reasons for the convenience of relation
between the public and government offices and to drop down the bribery and
corruption”, the Hluttaw decided to put it on record, with the motion seconded
by 6 representatives.
Daw Soe Nwe Aye, of Tada-U constituency discussed that the government should effectively take action against service personnel who violated civil service rules such as the cases of violating service rules, failure to perform the duties for the people, delaying time and submitting false reports to authorities concerned for the government to go astray, if the public made a complaint with evidences over these cases.
Dr Daw Kyi Moh Moh Lwin of Singaing constituency discussed that there were some intermediaries who were intentionally made to arrange in dubious ways and means for convenient communication between the departments and the public instead of helping by giving necessary guidance, especially administrative offices, land records offices, immigration offices, road and transport offices, police stations and courts of justices.
U Than Tun Myint of Kalewa constituency said they still needed to systematically solve the problems of bribery and corruption among service personnel, and simultaneously it is necessary to instill character building by organising, educating and discussing, plus exercising the carrot-and-stick approach.
In addition, U Min Thaing of Bogale constituency, U Soe Aung Naing of Kyonpyaw constituency and Daw San San Ei of Mohnyin constituency seconded the motion. U Mya Win, chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission said, “To reduce events of inducing to practise bribery and corruption, delaying cases and annoying the public by making frequent changes of hearing cases, arrangements are under way in some departments to reduce unnecessary steps, to keep service records and to issue orders and instructions transparently. But it is necessary for the departments and organisations which are directly communicating to carry out depending upon the nature of the work, to notify the time to perform and particulars which must be brought together in noticeable places, to announce respective complaint centers if there are some persons who would to complain and to take actions against those who violated malpractices if found guilty.”
Afterward, Dr Aung Thu, Union Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation replied to the questions raised by U Maung Maung of Htigyaing constituency as to whether there has been any plan to pave the way of Myaybaungtin-Kyaukchaw, by U Tin Hla of Danubyu constituency, U Kan Myint of Thayet constituency, U Khin Maung Thi of Loilem constituency and U Saw Tun of Mudon constituency, respectively.
In today’s meeting, the report submitted by the Government’s Guarantees, Pledges and Undertaking Vetting Committee of the Pyithu Hluttaw and government & embankment law (bill) submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation were discussed by parliamentarians and approved by Hluttaw.
Ref; The Global
New Light of Myanmar
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