Tuesday, October 1, 2024

MoEP Union Minister attends 7th Russian Energy Week International Forum


A Myanmar delegation, led by Union Minister for Electric Power U Nyan Tun, attended the seventh Russian Energy Week International Forum in Moscow, Russia, from 26 to 28 September.

On 26 September, the Union minister participated in a discussion titled “Low-Carbon Energy: The Foundation of a Sustainable Future.” During this talk, Union Minister U Nyan Tun outlined Myanmar’s plans to develop electricity generation from low-carbon renewable sources, such as hydro, wind, and solar power, integrated with the National Grid system. Feasibility studies have been conducted on potential hydro and wind energy sites, with a total of 28 onshore and two offshore locations identified. A system combining wind and solar energy is also being developed to ensure a stable and reliable electricity supply in the long term. This approach aims to minimize carbon emissions and mitigate climate change impacts in line with the UNFCCC resolution, targeting a reduction of 105 million tonnes of carbon dioxide by 2030, as outlined in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).

Following this, the Myanmar delegation attended a plenary session on energy cooperation, which featured discussions between Russian President Mr Vladimir Putin and Equatorial Guinea’s President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. The delegation also met Alexey Likhachev, Head of Rosatom, to discuss collaboration in the electricity sector.

On 27 September, the Union minister held meetings with representatives from Rosatom’s Renewable Energy, Smart Utilities, and Energy Projects companies to discuss wind and hydropower projects. The delegation visited the Atom Pavilion Museum on 28 September.





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