Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s tenth regular session holds sixth-day meeting

THE sixth-day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s tenth regular session was held at Pyithu Hluttaw meeting hall in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning where asterisk-marked questions were asked, a motion tabled, a report read, a bill decided upon and approved.

Question and answer session
The first question about distribution of electricity to Tamu Township through the national power grid was raised by U Naing Naing Win of Tamu constituency and answered by Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy Dr. Tun Naing who first remarked that the reply will be for his ministry as well as in coordination with Sagaing Region government. The Deputy Minister said that to provide electricity to Tamu Township from the national grid, a 90 miles long Kalay-Tamu 230 KV power line and a 230 KV sub-station in Tamu Town had to be constructed. This project is included in the Ministry’s Master Plan and starting from fiscal year 2017-2018, annual fund included an allocation for the project. But due to limited fund and budget had to be allocated for ongoing projects, this project couldn’t be started to date.
The funding requirement for the project will be Ks 107 billion or US$ 66.6 million in foreign currency. The project is included in Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan and a proposal had been made to Ministry of Planning and Finance to conduct this project under $ 130 million loan from India said the Deputy Minister.
On the matter of electricity distribution, U Nay Myo Htet of Kyauktada constituency also raised a question about plan to replace power lines with insulated lines according to SAC (Services Accounting Codes) as there were cases of electrocution from power line that were unprotected. Deputy Minister Dr. Tun Naing said that in eastern Yangon District, 34.224 miles of unprotected ACSR (Aluminium-conductor steel-reinforced cable) line were being replaced by SAC insulated lines while 40.89 miles of 400 volt HDBC (Hard Drawn Bare Copper) wire were being replaced with insulated ABC (Aerial bundled cable) wires. Similar works were also conducted in Yangon west, south and north districts said the Deputy Minister.
In places where replacement is not made yet, measures such as installing dampers, spacers and earths were conducted township wise added the Deputy Minister.
To prevent dangers of electrocution, outdated and worn out 400 volt power lines need to be replaced with about 500 miles of ABC lines for which tenders were being called and works will be conducted in fiscal year 2018-2019 explained the Deputy Minister.
Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw then responded to questions raised by Daw Aye Mya Mya Myo of Kyauktan constituency on measures put in place to prevent misuse and abuse of lands managed by the union government and arrangements for distributing silted lands to farmers for irrigation.
On the matter of whether there is a plan to utilize water from Winphanon Dam in Mon State to provide water to Thanbyuzayat Town about 10 miles from the dam and then on to Kyaikhami town about 15 miles further raised by U Nyan Hein of Thanbyuzayat constituency, Deputy Minister U Hla Kyaw replied that this is a massive work that would cost very much. As such, Mon State government, state development affairs committee and the ministry is coordinating to obtain a loan from JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). During fiscal year 2018-2019 to fiscal year 2020-2021 consultants will conduct site visits and draw up designs. Tender will be called in fiscal year 2018-2019 to conduct design works while tender for construction work will be called in fiscal year 2019-2020 explained the Deputy Minister.
Similarly questions raised by Daw Khin Than Nu of Mindon constituency, Daw Khin Saw Wai of Yathedaung constituency and U Sai Oo Kham of Hsenwi constituency were answered by Deputy Ministers.
Motion urging Union Government to value add agri and livestock sector raw products
Following the question and answer session, Daw Cho Cho of Ottwin constituency tabled a motion urging the Union Government to value add raw materials produced from agriculture and livestock breeding sector and expand into international market. She also explained about the reason for tabling the motion. The motion was supported by U Tin Htwe of Waw constituency.
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat announced the Hluttaw’s consensus to discuss the motion after obtaining the decision of the Hluttaw and announced further for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the motion to register their names.
Reading of Economic and Financial Development Committee Report
Next Pyithu Hluttaw Economic and Financial Development Committee report was read by committee member Dr. Kyi Moh Moh Lwin.
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat announced for Hluttaw representatives who wish to discuss the report to enroll their names.
Hluttaw approves bill on farmer rights
Later Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced the Hluttaw’s approval of a Bill amending the Law of Protection of the Farmer Rights and Enhancement of their Benefits a Second Time sent by Amyotha Hluttaw with amendments after obtaining the Hluttaw’s decision.
As the bill was approved according to the approval by Pyithu Hluttaw Bill Committee and not as amended by the Amyotha Hluttaw, Bill Committee member U Htay Ngwe then tabled a motion for the matter to be submitted and discussed at Pyidaungsu Hluttaw because the two Hluttaws were in disagreement over the bill.
Afterwards Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced that the matter will be submitted to Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in order to discuss the disagreements between the two Hluttaws.
The seventh-day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s tenth regular session will be held today it is learnt.
Aye Aye Thant (MNA)
(Translated by Zaw Min)
Ref: The Global New Light of Myanmar

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