Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Maungtaw Investigation Commission meets local residents

March 20, 2017
Members of Maungtaw Investigation Commission U Aung Naing, U Saw Tala and other officials discussed with No (1) Border Guard Police Force Chief Police Brig-Gen Thura San Lwin, Maungtaw Deputy Commissioner U Ye Htut to report to the Investigation Commission’s Chairman on progress made in Maungtaw. The meeting was held at the office of No (1) Border Guard Police Force on the morning of 18 March.

Afterwards, the commission members and the deputy commissioner visited Pwintpyuchaung, Kyarkaungtaung, Yaytwinkyun, and on 19 March visited Dargyisar, New Yaymyattaung, Kyatyoepyin, Pyuangpite and Nganchaung villages to meet with the local residents.

The commission members met with resettled families and individuals who fled during the incidents in October. The resettled individuals told the reasons behind their fleeing was because of feelings of insecurity in their own region but now thanks to rescue efforts by respective organizations they are able to return to their homes. Then commission members discussed about plans to ensure health, shelter and food which requires correct statistics for a smooth and effective result. Maungtaw deputy commissioner then explained on preparations being made for local residents to visit imprisoned family members and then answered to other questions raised by residents. Commission members Deputy Director Daw Than Than Win and Dr. Daw Htar Htar Linn met individually with elderly women and mothers to discuss on psychosocial matters and how to get help and support for women and child abuse among other breaches to human rights from mobile organizations travelling around Maungtaw and delivering medical aid. The medical aid includes vaccination and oral medical treatment, and for medical officers to be able to come provide assistance it is important that everyone participates to ensure there is safety in the area.

Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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